Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sweet Orange Splendor

When the sweet orange tree is pouring its abundance to open to receive.

Springtime in the desert is a wonderful time of the year. Citrus trees are blooming and the fruit is ripe for the picking..This sweet orange tree is heavy with blossoms and the bees pollinating it. It is also heavy with very juicy fruit that makes excellent juice. As I sit to meditate beneath its glorious branches I give thanks for the sweet smell of the intoxicates me.

These wonderful blossoms coupled with the lemon and grapefruit blossoms are being tinctured to create a limited edition fragrance...The top notes are soft and this point...In a few months the juice will start to take on a deeper bloom and it will become more intense in the bottle...

The joy being radiated in my perfume room from the new tinctures is a blessing..I am grateful.